# Deployment

# Docker

UVue can be installed with pre-made docker files to easly deploy your application. If you choose Dockerfile only, you can build image with this command:

docker build -t <image-name> .

Then run a container:

docker run -p 8080:8080 <image-name>

If you choose the Docker compose file with Nginx, you will have the benefit of using nginx to serve your static/bundled files:

docker-compose up -d


In this case @uvue/server/plugins/static and @uvue/server/plugins/gzip can be removed from your configuration

Links to original files:

# Heroku

First you need to create a Heroku app and ask Heroku to keep dev dependencies after installation of your project:

heroku create
heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false YARN_PRODUCTION=false

Then you need to indicate that your project need to do a webpack build before starting it, in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "heroku-postbuild": "vue-cli-service ssr:build"

Last step of configuration, create a Procfile in the root folder of project, to indicate wich command need to called to start server:

web: npm run ssr:start

Finally to start your Heroku dyno, just commit theses changes and push to heroku master:

git push heroku master

# Now v2


Actually this method only works with NPM and not with Yarn. So, if you use Yarn, you need to remove yarn.lock and do a NPM install to have a package-lock.json file.

First you need to write some configuration files:

now.js: It's just a file that will be executed to start the SSR server on Now


.nowignore: Just to not upload useless files to Now:


now.json: Contains Now configuration parameters:

  "version": 2,
  "name": "project-name",
  "builds": [
      "src": "now.js",
      "use": "@now/node-server",
      "config": {
        "bundle": false,
        "maxLambdaSize": "50mb"
  "routes": [
      "src": "/.*",
      "dest": "now.js"

Importants parts are:

  • builds: Indicate which Now builder to use, here we use @now/node-server to create a HTTP bridge between lambad function and our SSR server. "bundle": false indicate the project will not be bundled with ncc compiler, cause it's not working with UVue at the moment.
  • routes: Ask Now to redirects all incoming requests to our SSR server.

Finally we need to add a build script to our package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "now-build": "vue-cli-service ssr:build && npm prune --production"


If you want a faster build you can move some dev dependencies (like Cypress) to peer dependencies.

Then you can deploy to Now:


# Firebase

Docs in progress

See this sample repo: https://github.com/universal-vue/faas-deploy

Main steps:

  1. Change the configuration of server bundle
  2. Create UVue firebase function don't forget to install @uvue/server and esm in functions folder, look at package.json in this folder
  3. Change your firebase.json to call firebase function
  4. Use this shell script to build & deploy