# CSS management

By default UVue will inline all your styles in HTML output. This is great if you use <style> tags in your SFC components becauce only components used in your current will be included in the final HTML. This mode will offer you a basic, but powerful critical CSS system.

In uvue.config.js:

export default {
  css: {
    normal: 'inline',
    vue: 'inline',

You can see 2 options on this configuration:

  • normal: Will process your styles included via an import code
  • vue: Will process <style> tags in your SFC

You can switch theses values from inline to extract: on production build, styles from your app will be extracted in a dedicated CSS file.


In production mode, don't forget to compress your final CSS with cssnano:

In postcss.config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    // Add this
    cssnano: {},