# Reference

# Context

This context object will be passed to all your UVue plugins hooks. So, this object will be avalaible in your asyncData() method, fetch() method, onHttpRequest() action and in your defined middlewares.

Variable name Type Description
app Vue instance The main component of the application (only after beforeCreate() hook)
router Vue router instance Router of the application. Docs
store Vuex instance Vuex store if installed. Docs
redirect Function Simple function to redirect to a specific page. Docs
error Function Simple function to display an error page: Docs
url String URL of current page.
req IncomingMessage SSR only Docs
res ServerResponse SSR only Docs

# Route special variables

Below variables will be available in a route context (like asyncData(), fetch() method, onHttpRequest() action and in your defined middlewares). If you write your own UVue plugin, these will be avalaible in your routeResolve() and routeError() hooks.

Variable name Type Description
route Route The current route object. See: Route Object
params Object Alias of route.params
query Object Alias of route.query

# Process variables

Below variables will be replaced during Webpack bundling with defined values and depends on the build context.

Variable name Description
process.dev Return true in development mode, false otherwise
process.test Is true if in test environment
process.prod Return true in production mode, false otherwise
process.spa Return true in SPA mode, false in SSR mode
process.ssr Return true in SSR mode, false in SPA mode
process.client In SSR mode only: return true if in client rendering, false if in server side rendering
process.server In SSR mode only: return true if in server side rendering, false otherwise


To inject environment variables see the official Vue CLI documentation

# Server context

This context is passed to some server plugins hooks

Variable name Type Description
url String URL of current page.
req IncomingMessage Docs
res ServerResponse Docs
redirected Boolean Indicate if current request is redirected
statusCode Number HTTP status code to send to client from your Vue application
bodyAdd String String to add before </body>
headAdd String String to add before </head>
data.state String Data from server side for Vuex store
data.components String Data from server side for page components

# Server response

This object is passed to some server plugins hooks

Variable name Type Description
body String HTML to send to client
status Number HTTP status code to send to client