# Server configuration

Here is the full options of server.config.js file

export default {
   * Indicate where bundle files are located
  distPath: 'dist',

   * Directory for required SSR files
  uvueDir: '.uvue',

   * Adapter to use for server (default: ConnectAdapter)
  adapter: null,

   * Define server plugins
  plugins: [
    // Use a plugin without options

    // With some options
    ['some/plugin', { ...options }],

   * Define SPA paths
  spaPaths: [
    // glob patterns are supported

   * HTTPS options
  https: {
    key: '',
    cert: '',

   * Dev server options
  devServer: {
    middleware: {},
    hot: {},

   * Vue SSR renderer otions
   * See: https://ssr.vuejs.org/api/#renderer-options
  renderer: {
    cache: null,
    directives: [],
    runInNewContext: false,
    shouldPrefetch() {},
    shouldPreload() {},

   * Configuration for static generation
  static: {
    paths: [],
    scanRouter: true,
    params: {},

   * For dev only: watch for files changes and reboot server
  watch: ['server.config.js'],
  watchIgnore: ['dist/**/*'],

   * Add some packages to webpack-node-externals
  externalsWhitelist: [],