# Server

Useful if your app have or need an authentication system. It will simply parse cookies from all HTTP requests and made them available in your application. Cookies are a good system to share auth tokens between your server side and client side.

export default {
  plugins: [
        secret: '',
        options: {},
  • secret: a string or array used for signing cookies. This is optional and if not specified, will not parse signed cookies. If a string is provided, this is used as the secret. If an array is provided, an attempt will be made to unsign the cookie with each secret in order.
  • options: an object that is passed to cookie.parse as the second option. See cookie for more information

More information here: https://github.com/expressjs/cookie-parser

# GZIP compression

Can apply a GZIP compression on your files. Useful with you want to save bandwith in production mode.

export default {
  plugins: [
        filter: null,
        level: -1,

More informations here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/compression

# Serve static files

This plugin is required for your application to work properly: its purpose is to serve static files (js, css, images...) bundled or not by Webpack.

export default {
  plugins: [
        acceptRanges: null,
        index: false,

More informations here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/serve-static

# Server error page

This plugin will display an error page in case of server error. In development mode, Youch is used to display error. In production mode a simple page is displayed and you can customize it: just indicate a path to a HTML file in the plugin configuration:

export default {
  plugins: [
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'my-custom-error-page.html'), // This path need to be absolute

# Modern mode

Simple plugin to handle modern and legacy bundles. You just have to install it and the plugin do all the job !

export default {
  plugins: ['@uvue/server/plugins/modernMode'],

# Write your own plugin

A plugin is just an object with defined methods to act on different hooks:

export default {
  // Act on server bootstrap: good place to define some server middlewares
  // and use methods from current used HTTP framework
  install(app, options) {
    app.use('/path', myMiddleware(options));

  // Do an action before page will be rendered by Vue SSR
  async beforeRender(context, app) {
    // ...

  // Body is rendered, now building the entire HTML page
  async beforeBuild(response, context, app) {
    // ...

  // HTML is ready to be sent to client
  async rendered(response, context, app) {
    // You can alter response content before sending it

  // Act when something go wrong during SSR rendering
  async routeError(error, response, context, app) {
    // Good place to render an error page

  // Page was sent to client
  afterResponse(context, app) {
    // Good place to log things

Please take a look to UVue server plugins already done